Any help is greatly appreciated.

Supporting our cause enables us to provide the people of our communities with better access to their essential needs. Donations can be provided in the form of monetary contributions, food donations, or physical items.

Monetary Donations can be given via cash, cheque, or etransfer. Please contact Donna Crocker directly for information on how to provide a monetary donation.

Food Donations can be given to any of the groups listed on our contact page. Please contact the team leader in advance to discuss what food items are needed.

Physical donations can be dropped off at 11834 203rd Street, Maple Ridge B.C. V2X 4V1 on Fridays, from 8:00am to 1:00pm. Donations can be left directly outside the front of the garage, or on the porch under the blue tarp if raining.

Please note, all personal items must be thoroughly washed & cleaned before being donated.

Commonly Accepted Donation Items:

  • Any & All Clothing Items (socks, underwear, gloves, pants, shoes, sweaters, coats, etc.)

  • Backpacks & Bags

  • Blankets & Pillows

  • Sleeping Bags

  • Tarps

  • Towels (both face & body)

  • Feminine Hygiene Products

  • Toilet Paper

  • Toiletries (Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap, Toothpaste/Toothbrushes, Lotion, Etc.)

  • Bottled Water

  • Unused Makeup or Hair Accessories

  • Cat & Dog Food

  • Umbrellas

Current Needs:

This section contains items that are most currently in need of support.

Driver - Second Sunday of the Month

We are currently in need of a driver to join our volunteer team on the second Sunday of the month.

This individual will need to own a vehicle that is capable of pulling our supply trailer. Compensation is provided to assist with the travel costs.

Please contact Donna Crocker if you are interested in filling this position.

Soup Ingredients - Second Sunday of the Month

We are currently looking for donations to support the Sunday Soup Ministry that operates on the second Sunday of the month.

Any donations of soup ingredients, canned soup, or noodles that can be given to support this weekend would be greatly appreciated.

Please contact Joanne Martin by phone at (778) - 789 - 0993 or by email @ if you are able to support in this way.

Volunteers Needed - Second & Third Sunday of the Month

We are in great need of volunteers and drivers to support the trips on the second and third Sunday of the month.

Please contact Waldene Markling @ (778) - 952 - 8075 for the second Sunday and Ed Roy @ (604) - 465 - 4339 for the third Sunday.

Supporter Recognitions

In Memory of Richard Chainey

From Rita Scott

The Ladies Bible Study Group at Blue Mountain Church for the ongoing support, prayers and donations for so many years.

George & Yvette Bitcom for 32 years of serving and donating funds to keep our ministry going.

Derek Eatson for 27 years of service and donating funds.

Molly Hicks for 30 years of fund support.

Maureen Klein for numerous hours of dedication and funding.